Minutes To Tell It

Experience the captivating power of REELS and short films as we actively promote them to showcase our compelling testimonies. With the potential to reach a limitless audience, these productions offer a cost-effective approach to storytelling. Join us in sharing impactful stories through the art of REELS and short films.



If you only have 5 mins to tell your testimony, how would you tell it?

In this project , we select true life stories from various people with different walks, background and experiences and document it in cinematic short film style.

They all have one thing in common. They encountered the life changing God, Jesus!


The true story of Francesco De Cristofaro whose life was saved many times by The Voice since he was a boy. He grew up  and became a drummer in a rock band, while being famous he got involved with drugs. In the darkest time, before he could end his life, The Voice from his childhood lead him to the light which eventually changed his whole life.


Presented by:

The Great Cloud (www.thegreatcloud.co.uk)

Produced by :eCapture (www.ecapture.org)

Directed by: Eunice T Lindsay

Story by: Francesco De Cristofaro


This is the true story of Calyne Domhani. A talented young lady who had struggled in her Christianity faith and was drawn to New Age belief. Discover the truth behind her story and what truly set her free.


Presented by:

The Great Cloud (www.thegreatcloud.co.uk)

Produced by : eCapture (www.ecapture.org)

Directed by:

Eunice T Lindsay

Story by: Calyne Domhani